Design Your Own Tequila Bottle

The good people at 1800 were kind enough to send over a bottle of their 1800 Silver in one of their limited edition Essential Artists bottles. We got the Chuck Trunks edition pictured in the header of this article which was birthed, as the artist says, in “the aftermath of a struggle between logic and imagination.” Alternatively and interestingly, this is an apt description for most hangovers we’ve experienced.

There’s a total of 12 artists whose artwork was chosen for the bottles. Last year they did the same campaign and made 1800 bottles of each which sold out almost immediately. This year, they plan to have a more substantial run that should “last through the year.” The bottle, too, has a built-in shot glass. It's a little unclear how you fill the shot glass, then remove it from the bottle without spilling, but we'll leave the You Tube comments to debate the finer points of that move.

All of that is nifty, BUT, the coolest part is that you can use the same hookup that 1800 did to design your own bottle. You put whatever artwork you want on it, and send it to the manufacturer that makes their artists series bottles. You'll have your own, custom bottle in 2-3 weeks for just $99.