Drug Detecting Lip Gloss Sniffs Out Roofie

Spiked drinks are a serious concern for many women (and men, too, if you've seen The Hangover). That's why 2 Love My Lips is so clever: the gloss includes inconspicuous test strips that detect drugs like GHB and Ketamine.
"If a drink tastes funny, or you are suspicious something is amiss simply dab the ends of the taper in your drink and if they turn blue tell your friends immediately and get help from Security and the Police."
A pretty smart idea for a pretty shitty problem. It also plumps the lips and smells minty fresh.
The gloss is already on sale in the UK for £10, and will soon ship to the U.S, the rest of Europe, Asia, and Australia. [2 Love My Lips via The Independent]