Mobile Billboards

Mobile advertising allows your business the flexibility to either target a specific, small geographical area or a large county or city. Routes are predetermined by you, the advertiser, so we can get your message to the public immediately and command attention on the roadways. Mobile billboards are constantly in the eye of the public reaching a variety and varying amount of consumers. Programs vary in duration from as short as a day to a weekend, full month or longer.

Mobile Billboars Trailer HIGH VISIBILITY (Size: 6'x12') to promote:
  • Client New Product Launches Specials
  • Sales/Special
  • Events Marketing Programs
  • Special Promotions
  • Image Enhancement
"A Mobile Message can produce over 14,000 impressions per hour on interstates. On city streets ads are seen by an average of 1500 pedestrians and 3000 vehicles per hour." -Source Federal Highway Transportation Administration.

"A Mobile ad can generate 40,000 daily impressions."-Source National Audit Traffic  Bureau
Mobile Billboards"...are one of the most effective ways to advertise in the outdoors considering the cost per thousand."-Source ADWEEK

Benefits of Mobil Billboard Trailer

Fewer restrictions and regulations than with traditional billboards. Although some areas can restrict stationary billboard trailers, many allow for temporary stationary use and mobile use as long as mobile billboard trailers are attached to a currently registered pulling vehicle.

Ability to create national campaigns with major advertisers at a fraction of the cost of traditional outdoor and mobile billboard truck advertising.

Cost - Mobile Billboard Trailers are lower in cost than other Outdoor mediums. Once you compare the cost of Mobile Advertising to Radio, Print, Spot TV or other billboards and you will agree that there is no lower cost! Whether you are promoting a product, web site, service, or event, the opportunities for attention grabbing, cost effective mobile billboard advertising are unlimited! 

Value - We provide further value to your media schedule. With Billboards Connection mobile billboard trailers your customers can't turn the page, change the station, or switch to another channel. 

Directed Message - The right place at the right time - Billboards Connection mobile billboard trailers will steer your message directly to the targeted market, capturing their attention when they are already out and about, shopping, or looking for entertainment. Because this medium is so innovative, it will offer the client a unique way to gain the "wow" factor and attract both public and media interest.

Mobility - Unlike stationary billboards, our billboard trailers allow your message to be seen with stationary or mobile imagery. This movement, as well as quality graphics and brilliant colors, will give the client's message an added dimension to attract his or her audience. Take a look at some of our client’s crisp sharp graphics on the photo gallery tab.

Control Factor - New research shows that consumers control messages by screening out some advertising and selecting those that are relevant to them at that time. Your advertising can therefore be more effective if you can control when and in what situation the message is received. With Billboards Connection mobile billboard trailers, you can move your advertising exposure closer to the point of purchase, where the consumer is ready to buy .