legal info article

All djs,station owners or anybody who works or with Hamilton radio. If you have questions contact me. Remember now we are are on many stations so we must remain legal at all times. No songs in a row from any artist is allowed no more. You may play the same artist in a three hour period, do not say you will play a song then play it .You can say i have something coming up for someone and then say it after its played. Not following the rules is a good way to loose me as a carrier or your show or station. Please do not change the id tag to let it play either. FOLLOW THE RULES OR RISK IN LEAVING US!. For stations in the UK ,you have to follow the rules if we are relaying your show too.No exceptions.These are not my rules. User may not include in User's broadcast activities ("Broadcast Programming") specific sound recordings within one (1) hour of a request by a listener or at a time specifically designated by the listener. In any three-hour period, User should not intentionally program more than three songs (and not more than two songs in a row) from the same recording; User should not intentionally program more than four songs (and not more than three songs in a row) from the same recording artist or anthology/box set. Continuous looped Broadcast Programming may not be less than three hours long. Retransmission's of User's Broadcast Programming may be performed at scheduled times as follows: Broadcast Programs of less than one-hour shall not be broadcast more than three times in a two-week period Broadcast Programs longer than one hour shall not be broadcast more than four times in any two-week period User should not publish advance program guides or use other means to pre-announce when particular sound recordings will be played or the order in which they will be played. User should only include in User's Broadcast Programming sound recordings that are authorized for performance in the United States. User should pass through (and not disable or remove) identification or technological protection information included in the sound recording (if any). 7. Links to Other Sites: Any third-party sites to which the User's Site may link are not under LoudCity's control, and LoudCity does not assume any responsibility or liability for any information, content, communications or materials available on such third-party sites. Absent express language to the contrary, LoudCity does not intend links contained on the Site to be referrals to, or endorsements of, the linked third-party sites or the entities that operate them, and such links are provided for convenience only.