I recently introduced Organo Gold Coffee to a well known journalist Rodolfo Roman who broadcasts the Roman Show.  This show broadcasts live every week from Miami and in it Rodolfo interviews the hottest MMA, WWE and WCW fighters and wrestlers.  He knows first hand the discipline and regimen that these gladiators have to follow in order to stay physically fit and in the game.  

So where does coffee come into play?  Rodolfo is an avid coffee consumer first because he likes it and second  because he needs energy to keep up with all the demands of his career.  After he tried Organo Gold Coffee for the first time he felt the difference, balanced energy and no caffeine crash afterwards.  We did the math pertaining to his current consumption of coffee at the Doughnuts' place and now with Organo Gold he will save half or pay 50% of what he's currently consuming for the same amount of coffee with the exception that now he will consume Coffee which contains Ganoderma.   

Ganoderma Lucidum, a kind of medicinal mushroom which has been highly regarded in Asia as the “Miraculous King of Herbs. This powerful herb is said to be able to improve the body’s healing ability, maintain a healthy body and promote longevity. Rodolfo and fighters that have started to drink Organo Gold Coffee say that this coffee gives them energy during the day and puts them to sleep like a baby at night.  

What else?  The other great benefit is the money as in Residual money that Rodolfo and his friends will make every month for consuming this product and telling their friends about it.  Unlike the Doughnuts' place, Organo Gold does reward you big for bringing your friends to consume this product.  

This means that people who are already coffee drinkers will keep drinking coffee albeit a healthy one that also provides wealth for you and them.  So for all of you reading this, you're already making the Doughnuts' place rich and richer so why not work towards making that money for yourself.  

Contact Rodolfo Roman for more information. 786-942-9424