Global Energy Reserve

Welcome To the Global Energy Reserve [GER]

The GER Global Energy Reserve is a leader and advocate of sustainable practices.

The GER Global Energy Reserve was formed to address serious global issues which include but are not limited too social imbalances, self-serving economics and last but certainly not least environmental exploitation..

Now you maybe wondering what this has to do with anything, what it has to do with is for you to have a full understanding of how the GER Global Energy Reserve came about. I explain this to potential bond holders as it is imperative that they understand. Remember we have nothing for sale our money is generated by kwh generation from our fully owned underlying technology it is the reason we are able to do what we do and gives us the ability to re balance our social imbalances and re educate those in the capital markets which by default addresses our environmental issues.

The Federal Reserve is one hundred years old and I can say with confidence that they have had to clean up after the private sector for almost that entire one hundred years. I modeled the GER Global Energy Reserve off the FED the difference is instead of printing money we generate kwh's. The GER Global Energy Reserve will educate leaders and show them that they can still profit however in a slightly different way then they have currently been doing it. Profit at any cost is obsolete and will not be tolerated by the consumer any longer and with the Carbon tax coming in globally CEO's have to step outside their comfort zones a be re educated to play a genuine part in our children's future which is the clean economy Chairman - Gary Terry