Sonja and Company

I have been playing the guitar and singing since I was thirteen years old. I did not attempt songwriting until my late twenties, but once I started, I never stopped. I truly enjoy the process of songwriting because it combines the art of self-expression through communication with the beauty of music. Music has a wonderful way of getting right to the heart of the matter, something we all yearn for.

I write music from the heart. I am not in competition with others, unless I count myself. If I had to categorize my songs, I would say they lean toward the folk genre, with a little country and a hint of pop. Joni Mitchell and Judy Collins were strong musical influences for me when I was growing up. I was especially impressed by Joni Mitchell's brilliant blending of the guitar and voice; she was most definitely a key source of inspiration for me, and a big part of why I fell in love with the guitar as the solo instrument to play my own songs.

Song title is "Your Love is the Anchor" original song by Sonja Miliacca known as Sonja and Company on facebook. 

youtube video made by Sonja's mom url: