Regine Garnier

Regine Garnier has lived the first years of her Life in Guadeloupe.
At the age of 11, she flies to the French capital city of Paris.
She begins her studies in english, and eventually graduates at an international school of Tourism based in France.

In 1996, to pursue her own personal and professional career,Regine Garnier decides to move to London.

She then resumes her studies at the well known "Business School" of SSE (School for Social Entrepreneur), where she completes the course with top marks.


Since her childhood, Regine Garnier has been drawn to music. Very young, she begins singing and writing her own musical compositions.

Over time, Regine Garnier discovers her true calling, it later emanates her passion and her love for music without precedent!

Régine Garnier has an amazing musical repertoire, with a variety of taste.
Her favourite artists are a result of her multicultural musical influences (Caribbean, African, Jamaican, English and American). It allowed her to forge her own musical personality, which is sought after today.

She has always showed a keen interest for creativity, especially in all matters affecting the arts.

On stage!
From the age of 13, Regine Garnier starts doing theatre plays.

In 2007, she gets a big break by auditioning for her first film in London, and successfully gets a primary role. She stars in the short film that is called "Black Ink". The premiere of the film was celebrated in London Leicester Square, in a cinema packed with up and coming British film stars.

London's music scene!

Regine Garnier takes part in a contest to sing in for the Royal Family, at the "Golden Jubilee of Queen". Conquered by her noticeable talent, the jury chooses her to perform for the event.The celebration takes place every year to commemorate the ascension of Queen Elizabeth II.

Another great moment is when Régine Garnier gets to be the first act to perform as part of a showcase with Jocelyne Beroard and Harry Diboula, in a club situated in the heart of London. Despite her various London based gigs, she still participate in music festivals organised in Paris.

In june 2012 Regine Garnier did the opening of the Earth wind and fire concert in paris.
Whenever her schedule permits, Régine Garnier also be found devoting her time in singing on various stage performances for charities, or other organisations.
Her consistent input through music, her community and beyond did not go unnoticed two years ago. She was awarded by "Greenwich Community", for her inspiration and encouragement to others.


Fashion is also an important element in Régine Garnier's life.

During the "London Fashion Week Show", she modeled for some very talented fashion designer.

In 2011-2012 she featured in 3 magazines:
Siyonnaj Magazine
Profyle Magazine
Tropics Magazine

Back to her first love, music, where she has her first Single out!
Her new single " LOmbraj" remix collaboration with Frederic Caracas and Krys has been released last year and now she is back with a new single called Amazing..

Her music could be described as fresh, innovative and unique.

Her motto is to surprise and always surprise!

Regine Garnier has traveled extensively. She is bilingual, being fluent in French, English, and her native tongue is French Creole.

Her strength and determination are her personality’s strongest points.

With regards to her music, she wants to inspire, but most of all bring happiness to the public.

Her motto!

Always believe in yourself and follow your dreams.
Life could be tough, but we must never give up.

God is Good

Please Find her on:




video " Lombraj"