
Hello world, my name is Cheech. I'm a rap artist from San Diego, CA. I have been writing raps since age 11, and have now turned that into more than just a hobby, but a passion. I enjoy rapping in the sense that it lets me express myself, and it is also a very meaningful art form. Making music is something that I take serious and put much effort into, as you can hear through my songs.

I lived in San Diego my entire life, and grew up in an area where ethnicity is as diverse as can be, trust me. My parents divorced when I was around 12 years old. I guess it did hurt me, but then again most of my friends didn't have their mom and dad together, so in a way I kinda thought it was normal. My dad passed away when I was about 14. That's when life really took me for a spin. It's "REAL". Sometimes you think it can't happen to you, and you take today for granted. Nah, don't do that......

Around my way, drugs and violence were everywhere. I try to stay away from it, but that doesn't mean I don't observe. I see life for what it's really worth. From when your swimming in money and living a good life, stress-free, taking vacation trips to wherever your finger lands on the map, to when you're on the streets, struggling, nowhere to live, sleeping in the backseat of a parked car in a dark alley, and your only option is selling drugs to feed your family...

I began taking music serious around the age of 13, with the support of a big brother type homie, Jose Cuervo. After that I just fell in love with writing raps. It was a thrill for me putting words together in a rhyming manner but still have a meaning to them. It was all I did, and it's still all I do. Writing raps helps me release any type of feeling I have inside me or just lets me be creative and have fun. It even lets me be crazy sometimes haha..

I wouldn't call someone a rapper cause they can rhyme a couple words together. I wouldn't call someone a rapper for the fact that they're on a rap song. But when you spend hours crafting lyrics on the thoughts runnin through your head, the emotion, the drama, the excitement, the anger, the thrill you get by placing words together that symbolizes your life and what you stand for, when you get lost in the music when your writing rhymes, when you hear a beat and feel a rush of excitement cause you understand the type of emotion you would put on that track, then I'll call you a rapper. I AM A RAPPER!! I don't need to trick you into believing that I'm good, MY MUSIC SPEAKS FOR ITSELF......

website: (personal page) (fan page)

Song: When I Die
Artist: Cheech

video url:
06_When_I_Die.mp3 (2.64 MB)