Destiny Lab

We have a brand new third album that will be released on Dec. 1st and the mp3 I have attached is a new song that will be on that album called, "It's Elementary" This song tackles the serious Creation vs Evolution debate in a funny yet thought provoking way. We tackle and rap about serious subjects and make people think...we create music with meaning and purpose for the people of today....our music has been in the works for a long time and the time is now for it to be heard and used as link in the chain to get people to investigate these issues for themselves and find truth and expose disinformation and lies.



We are dedicated to; the exploration, discovery, understanding and the truth about the mysteries of man and nature. We are passionate about making music with meaning and purpose. Our music asks the listener life examining questions that demand answers. We witness and reason to others about the truth through the word of God and the self-evidence of that which He has made. We dabble in obscure subjects such as; evolution, creation, the new age deception, 2012, aliens, UFOS, the nephilim giants, dinosaurs, man, the origins of mythology, cryptozoology, and ancient technology. We look at these subjects to see how all these things tie into the truth of Biblical prophecy. When all of these subjects are looked at from a Christian worldview, the truth is revealed. Although, these subjects are interesting to study and debate our real goal is be instruments of God's will while breaking down the barriers and obstacles that the enemy has put into place that keep people from the truth that can only be found in Jesus Christ. He is truly the reason we do what we do. Our music is a fusion of creation science and hip hop. This is intelligently designed music like you have never heard before! Please, take a moment to listen to all of our songs and read all of our lyrics. Let us know what you think.
Interviews with Destiny Lab:
Freedomizer Radio:
Raiders News Network:
Stacy Harp with Active Christian Media:
The Time and Mike Show (Collaboration Projects):
The Tim and Mike Show (New double Album release):
The Cursed Net interview with Byron LeBeau
The Omega Hour with Minister Dante Fortson:
End Time Talk radio with Barry Meyer:
Fallenangels TV interview with Zen Garcia:
The Jackals head interview:
Interview and debate with Spirit Finders Radio:
Destiny Lab blogtalkradio: