Enda Gallery

Enda Gallery, is an Irish singer songwriter as unique as his name.
My cause, is to change music. To make the newest and most emotionally filled new music in the world at the time of creating, never seen or heard before. I don’t dream of success, for success is only an occasional byproduct of dedication to some greater cause. Music has been my friend, my teacher, sometimes my savior, and to give something back to it is my dream. So I live it and what comes comes, what happens happens. There’s a great freedom in this way of living. Knowing you are not at the whim of critics, scenesters, cynics who could not or would not do music for the sake of music, but only for the promise of fame, glory, success or those who criticise musicians who don’t stick to convention, when such risk, experimentation and daring innovation is what keeps music special. I once lived like they did. Thankfully I have learned, or have been taught, by life or others.
About 20 months ago I quit an apparently desirable but brain and soul destroying career to pursue music, I hadn’t played a single gig or released a track. I have been writing music since I was 12, and now everything is finally starting to come to a head, but constantly evolving. The current acoustic work will be quickly evolving and expanding.

Web links:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/endagallerymusic
or search: Enda Gallery
Web: www.endagallery.com
Bandcamp: acoustic album yet to be released officially -http://endagallery.bandcamp.com/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/endagallerymusic