Michael Nance

Michael Nance’s Biography

      Michael Nance is an American musician and singer-songwriter from Austin, Texas. His music can be described as a blend of Jason Mraz, Dave Matthews, John Mayer, and Jack Johnson, a balladeering style with an updated urban flavor.

      Michael Nance is well-known for his appearances on ABC’s The Bachelorette, a very popular reality TV show where the Bachelorette (Emily Maynard) has to choose from 25 contestants vying for her heart. Nance’s life before ABC’s The Bachelorette was a busy one. Nance grew up in Tahoka, Texas and graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in biomedical science. This makes him stand apart from the countless other music/reality TV ‘stars’, with his high intelligence level leaving one pondering what the future holds for him.

      Between writing instant hits such as “Heezy,” and appearing on ABC’s The Bachelorette, Nance works as a rehab counselor, clearly displaying that he has a sensitive side; dealing and motivating people to do something with their lives instead of just taking drugs is a part of his everyday life. Nance has gone from zero to hero, in essence rising to fame sharply, but the best thing about this is that it seems like he will stay there. At the end of the day, Michael Nance is not just a one-hit wonder who will be forgotten in a few years.


1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOUJb3AF3lc   (Heezy)
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KP47LtEvsJo  (I Could Have)
3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vW4ltMnzPtQ   (Love on You)