Where Are the Kings

Where Are the Kings, a song by Gary and Michael Petrin (BrothersP) was released on 8/25/2012 and represents all the frustration and despair that is going on in this country. Politicians need to hear the voices of the American people who are suffering through these difficult times. The homeless don’t care who the President of the United States is.

The unemployed don’t care if there is a republican or democrat in charge. Politicians point fingers at each other but no one takes responsibility. Politicians don’t want to recognize what the problem is and work on a resolution; they just want to keep blaming everyone else. 

Meanwhile for the homeless, the unemployed and all who are struggling just to survive the day there is no hope, no light within the darkness. “Where Are the Kings that will make that choice to do what is right and hear our voice?”

Watch the Inspiring video at http://youtu.be/pFhKN5GGmdI

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