The Ballad of Id
Michael Buchanan-
Music has played a major role in my life for the last 15 years. For the last 8 I have been in the Air Force. I take my guitar wherever I go in the world. It has been a unseen guide along the paths I have traveled. Taking me to places I never thought I would go. It has helped me discover truths that I believe might have remained hidden from. I love to learn, create and teach. A lot of music now days is just empty. I dont believe it is because the actual music sucks but because the ideology and messages are weak. My goal is to have fun and make music I dont care about what everybody thinks or even if anybody listens or if I make one dime. I am just going to do what I do.
"I love music. Its in me, and around me all the time. It is hardwired into my brain I cant escape it, so I embrace it"!/CosmicSauceAndTheBalladOfId?bookmark_t=page