American Legal Finance





As the most active firm in the legal Finance industry, we fund the most kinds of cases with the largest number of financial products.

We’re best known for providing lawsuit fundings for individuals, but we’re also the leading firm offering lawsuit fundings for commercial cases.

Our founders and staff of professionals, from top legal firms and Wall Street financial institutions, have deep experience in law, finance, credit and business. We understand complex cases, which speeds the qualification process for your lawsuit funding.

Our team has developed a fast and efficient system that cuts through the red-tape to provide top customer service. An approval process for a lawsuit funding can be completed in as little as 24 to 48 hours. Funds can be wired the same day the lawsuit funding is approved.

We are backed by large institutional funds. That means we can offer a personal lawsuit funding from $500 to $250,000, and a commercial lawsuit funding up to $10,000,000.

In addition to providing lawsuit funding our company is a driving force in the regulatory and legislative areas of the legal industry to level the playing field for plaintiffs.

Again, these cash advances are non-recourse, which means that you, the plaintiff, have no obligation to repay the cash advance if the lawsuit is lost.

Note: The term “loan” or “loans”, where used to describe legal funding is not an accurate legal or financial definition of the transaction. IT IS NOT A LOAN. The transaction is a non-recourse purchase of a portion of the proceeds of a potential future case award or settlement. A loan is a transaction that always requires repayment. Our legal funding only requires repayment If the plaintiff receives a favorable cash settlement award. If the plaintiff loses their case, they do not repay the funded amount.That means, if you loose your case, you dont repay the funded money.



An injured person, such as yourself, who needs a lawsuit cash advance contacts us, sometimes at the suggestion of their attorney. After receiving permission from you, the client, we contact the attorney handling the case to obtain information about the lawsuit. Based on this information, we estimate the cash value of the case and offer a lawsuit cash advance to the plaintiff (you) based upon that estimate. The fee for the advance may be a flat fee or a monthly percentage fee that accrues each month. The fee is paid after the case settles, or if the client wins a judgment. The work of getting your cash advance is done by us and your attorney, there is little that you need to do to get your cash. The application process only takes a few minutes.

The amount of cash advanced varies, depending upon the nature of the case, insurance company involved, how long the case has been active, and the expected settlement date. It’s that simple!

Getting a lawsuit cash advance quote from us is free and carries no-obligation!

Call us directly at 411 NEED HELP Helps Miami Legal Services Advance Funding For Your Free Lawsuit Cash Advance Consultation


Fast Cash Advance Frequently Asked Questions

What is a lawsuit advance?
If your case qualifies, AMERICAN LEGAL FINANCE will advance you immediate cash against the proceeds from your lawsuit when it is resolved through settlement or trial.
What are the benefits of a lawsuit cash advance?

An advance will replace lost income, and help you cover living expenses and pay medical bills while you wait for your case to settle.
Will my case qualify for an advance?

AMERICAN LEGAL FINANCE considers each request for an advance on a case-by-case basis. We will thoroughly review your case, and our underwriters will make a decision within 48 hours of receiving the required documentation from your attorney.
What does "non-recourse" mean?

It means that repayment of the advance is only required if you win your case or reach an out-of-court settlement. Should you fail to reach a settlement, you owe us NOTHING. AMERICAN LEGAL FINANCE invests in your case, and so we share the risk with you. A "non-recourse" advance is also sometimes referred to as a "contingent" advance.
How is an advance different from a loan?

Loans must be repaid, regardless of your circumstances. Loans are issued based on your credit and employment history, and loans require monthly payments. A lawsuit advance is NOT based on your credit history or employment, and there are no up-front fees and no monthly payments. Your lawsuit advance is repaid in one lump payment from the proceeds of your lawsuit settlement.
How much money can I receive?

The amount of money you can receive depends on the probable value of your claim and its chances for a favorable outcome. You are free to request any amount.
How much can I expect to pay for an advance from AMERICAN LEGAL FINANCE?

Our rates are based on several factors, including the amount of the advance and the level of risk associated with your case. The risk premium on a lawsuit advance will generally be higher than the interest rate on a conventional loan.
Is a non-recourse advance more expensive than a bank loan?

Yes, because non-recourse advances and bank loans are very different. You are not required to repay your non-recourse advance if you do not receive a payment from the defendant. A bank loan will cost you less, but it has to be repaid regardless of the outcome of your case, and you will have to make monthly payments until your lawsuit is resolved.
Should I use my advance to pay off my credit cards?

You are probably better off making monthly payments until you receive the proceeds from your lawsuit.
How long does it take to receive an advance?

We cannot evaluate your request until we receive documentation from your attorney so we can thoroughly review your case. However, once we have the documentation we need, we will evaluate your request immediately and make a decision within 48 hours.
What is an "out-of-court settlement"?

Many lawsuits are settled out of court when all parties to the lawsuit agree on a resolution to the dispute. This usually involves the defendant compensating the plaintiff for his or her damages without going to trial.
May an attorney refer a client to AMERICAN LEGAL FINANCE?

Yes. In fact, several state bar associations have issued favorable ethics opinions regarding an attorney's ability to refer clients to an institution that will provide non-recourse funding.
What is the "risk premium"?

The "risk premium" is the amount of money that will be paid to AMERICAN LEGAL FINANCE out of the proceeds of your lawsuit settlement in addition to the funds already advanced to you.
Does AMERICAN LEGAL FINANCE participate in the lawsuit once I receive an advance?

We do not participate in your lawsuit in any way whatsoever.
What does "identifiable" injuries mean?

It means that your injury can be seen or diagnosed by objective means such as MRI, X-Ray, CT Scan or other technology. Calculations of property and commercial damages must have a sound basis.
Can AMERICAN LEGAL FINANCE represent me in my lawsuit?

No. We do not practice law and do not provide legal services. If you are having a hard time finding an attorney, we will do our best to refer you to an attorney with whom you will feel comfortable. Click here for a

Apply for a lawsuit cash advance now.

We understand the importance of quickly meeting our clients' financial needs. Most decisions are made within 48 hours of receiving all the requested documents from your attorney. We always welcome your inquiries. Call us today for a confidential, no-obligation evaluation of your case, or apply online now.
